This month is sponsored by the color GREEN. Anything green does the trick. If you want a little more inspiration, this drippy green, weathered gate with a coffee cup on it sure looks inviting, don't you think? Here's a closer look.
Verve Stamps are not required, but we do love to see 'em. And if you don't have any, you can save a little green during our March sale, with everything in the shop, including our new digis, 30% off!
Okay, here's the hop list. Everything starts over on my blog, Poetic Artistry. Happy hopping!
1. Julee | 4. Laurie |
2. Betty | 5. Maureen |
3. Marisa | 6. Teresa |
Challenge deadline: Thursday, April 5.
Prize: $30 gift voucher to the Verve online store!
View the March entries below.
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.