Happy Tuesday, Verve friends! Yesterday kicked off our annual end of year sale and I thought I'd drop in and let you know the 4-1-1 on all the deals! Now through Saturday, December 31, everything in our store is marked down 10 - 50% off! Woohoo! The sale is limited to stock on hand, so shop early for the best selection.

We cannot apply the discount code AFTER your order has been placed, so please make sure to apply the SHOPHOP code before you check out, or it will not be applicable. Sale is limited to stock on hand and not valid on previous purchases. We do not accept backorders.
And for those of you eagerly anticipating some new Verve, the wait is almost over! Save the date for our next release party, Friday, January 13 from 9-11PM Eastern in our forum. We've got a few fantastic new stamps and dies we're excited to share with you!
Until next time.... happy stamping (and shopping)!