
Friday, June 1, 2018

A Final Chapter

Dear Verve friends,

I've been thinking. A LOT. Trying to come up with words. Sitting down to write. Then getting up and walking away, because this is HARD. How do I express in words the mixed emotions, heartache, anxiety, and struggles involved in making such a momentous decision? I guess I just put it out there...

Verve Stamps will be closing June 30, 2018.

Those are words I never thought I'd write. Over the last decade I have placed my heart and soul into Verve and I'm not really sure where Verve ends and I begin anymore. But, over that same decade I have also become a Mama. Someone I never expected to be. But someone I am, nonetheless, to two special little boys who need extra care and attention right now. Attention that has at best been divided for their entire little lives and now needs to be focused. Lately it's become increasingly apparent to me that I can't give my all to my boys and still have my all to give to Verve. So, here we are, starting the final chapter in the book of Verve.

I have loved bringing uplifting stamp designs and inspirational cardmaking challenges to you. It's been a great delight in my life seeing your cards and creations, chatting with you, emailing, and partying on Splitcoast in the olden days. The friendships and purpose I've found in this business are the things that have kept me going through many dark days. And while this decision was hard to come to and is even harder to explain without going into the ins and outs of our personal struggles, as soon as I made it, I KNEW it was the right choice. I have a peace and general excitement about being "just a Mom" that has never been there before. And as I've never been just that, I'd like to see how it works. {grin}

I don't know what the future holds for me. I'm definitely going to enjoy a summer with my boys. My first real time off in almost 11 years! If you're interested in where I end up and what journey I take from here, hop on over to my blog, Poetic Artistry, and subscribe.

As of today, everything in the shop is currently marked 55% off (with the execption of our two new limited edition sets). All sales are final.  We'd love it if you could help us find homes for our remaining inventory so we can reclaim another room in our house! As of June 10, we will stop shipping services to International and Canadian destinations. So if you are not in the United States and would like to order, please do so prior to Sunday, June 10.

Thank you for all your love and support over the years. You have been a great blessing in my life and our family thanks you from the bottom of our hearts! It truly does take a village. I've (hopefully) listed below all of the amazing contributors who have shared in our releases over these almost 11 years. Each and every person on this list has a special place in my heart. Thanks, thanks and ever thanks!

With love,
Julee, Mark, Kellan & Trevor

Shannan Teubner (Diva)
Lila Holgate (Diva)
Kim Ross (Diva)
Jen del Muro (Diva)
Bethany Paull (Diva)
Amy Westerman (Diva)
Dana Seymour (Diva)
Laurie Schmidlin (Diva)
Charmaine Ikach (Diva)
Taylor Van Bruggen (Guest)
Susan Liles (Diva)
Cindy Keery (Guest)
Ana Wohlfahrt (Guest)
Karrie Baker (Guest)
Julie Campbell (Guest)
Paula Goff (Guest)
Kim Reid (Guest)
Ida Krause (Guest)
Silvia Mabie (Guest)
Paula Williamson (Guest)
Debbie Olson (Guest)
Amy Sheffer (Diva)
Carole Burrage (Diva)
Laura Fredrickson (Diva)
Amber Hight (Diva)
Natasha Trupp (Guest)
Jackie Pedro (Diva)
Cyndi Bundi (Guest)
Michelle Woerner (Diva)
Janine Tinklenberg (Guest)
Lindsey Botkin (Guest)
Jennifer Meyer (Guest)
Suzanne Dean (Guest)
Jen Tapler (Diva)
Maria Gurnsey (Guest)
Sarah Gough (Diva)
Lynda Benden (Diva)
Stephanie Kraft (Guest)
Jodi Collins (Guest)
Kelly Lunceford (Guest)
Teresa Kline (Diva)
Tosha Leyendekker (Diva)
Christina Fischer (Guest)
Kerri Michaud (Guest)
Sankari Wegman (Diva)
Mercy Kerin (Diva)
Kristina Biederman (Guest)
Betty Wright (Diva)
Jessie Rone (Guest)
Melissa Sauls (Guest)
Rosie Hughes (Guest)
Brooke Stockman (Guest)
Edna Morrisedie (Guest)
Denise Marzec (Guest)
Carolina Buchting (Guest)
Christi Flores (Guest)
Maureen Plut (Diva)
Sonja Christoph (Diva)
Andrea Ewen (Diva)
Debbie Carriere (Guest)
Piali Biswas (Guest)
Betty Wright (Diva)
Dawn Easton (Diva)
Janelle Stollfus (Diva)
Cresta Woodruff (Guest)
Melissa Hubert  (Guest)
Robin Shakoor (Guest)
Marisa Ritzen (Diva)
Vickie Zimmer (Guest)
Gretchen Belknap (Guest
Wanda Cullen (Guest)
Christyne Kane (Diva)
Laurie Willison (Diva)
Jen Shults (Diva)
Amy Kolling (Diva)
Anya Schrier (Diva)
Jess Diedrich (Diva)
Karen Giron (Diva)
Tiffany Solorio (Diva)
Jen Mitchell (Guest)
Stacey Schafer (Diva)
Chaitali Narla (Diva)
Kay Miller (Guest)
Sheri Gilson (Guest)
Monika Davis (Guest)
Diana Nguyen (Guest)
Nancy Thomas (Guest)
Shantaie Fowler (Guest)
Amy Tsuruta (Guest)
Kelly Gettelfinger (Guest)
Lori Craig (Guest)
Rosemary Dennis (Guest)
Amy Rohl (Guest)
Lee-Anne Cross (Guest)
Vicki Dutcher (Guest)
Mackie Robertson (Guest)
LauraJane (Guest)
Hillary Harris (Guest)
Autumn Clark (Guest)
Lisa Blastick (Guest)
Kathy Schweinfurth (Guest)
Michele Greenwood (Guest)